Sunday 10 February 2013

The Lords Of Salem (Directed by: Rob Zombie)

I was lucky enough to watch this film in sept 2012 at TIFF I had a blast and was lucky enough to be like 5 seats away from Rob Zombie, I can not wait to see it again, I heard a few parts got cut out of the version I got to watch in order to get a rating that would allow it to play in theaters.
This Film is not for everyone, it is not gory but it is scary. It has a kind of "Shining" feeling to it.

*I was the first person to say that in sept than I noticed a ton of blogs starting running with what I said.
I actually ran into Jeff Daniel Phillips out side of the theater after the 1st screening in Toronto and I told him that this film reminded me of "the Shining" anyways.

Great Film very much a mind film, go check it out when it hits the theaters in April.

Rob Zombie’s The Lords of Salem will receive it’s first US screening at this years SXSW (South by South West) Midnighter’s Program. The festival, in Austin Texas, starts March 8.  You can find out more about the event and the schedule for the movie by visiting SXSW’s website:

The Lords of Salem is due for general release in the US on April 19 2013.

Arughh I am tempted to go to Texas.